well, a friend and an aunt who happen to reside in the US are celebrating their birthdays this month and since I was making a trip to the PO anyways, I decided I may as well send cards and some goodies their way today! right?
here's what i whipped up in a jiffy as I had to be at work by 1pm. yup. if you're pressed for time, it's always a good idea to make identical cards! hahaha! good thing they don't know each other! *wink!*

and of course, here are the goodies in the box :) yum! so looking forward to the weekend!

Christine!!!! Look at all those goodies!! I should keep my SL kits, I keep on selling them, then I drool when I visit your blog. haha.
Yummy, yummy goodies! Oooohh, and I do love your cards!
Yumminess!!! Nakikitingin lang and busog na busog na. Haha! Great cards too. Lucky recipients. :)
thanks for droppin by blog and leaving so so nice words!!! i really enjoy browsing through your cards and layouts and of course the inspiring goodies!
Stunning cards!! Wish I could just think something up that fast! ....and thoso goodies certainly look yummy!! Have fun playing!!
OH look at those goodies Christine !!!!! IM so jealous, i almost bought those 5th ave papers at target and didnt, now i want them again ! Cute cards too ! Scrappy mail is the best ! ENJOY them !!!!
I so need to update my blog tonight, i havent in almost 2 weeks ! YIKES ! I even have layouts to put up, time just got away from me !
Have a great weekend !
Jenn ( BG )
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