decided to attend and make 10 cards for the Scrap, Share and Shop fundraiser event for the Carmelite sisters of Tarlac last Saturday.

for this batch, I actually took the easy way out by doing a production line for the same design :)

i'm glad i went although i didn't really do anything much, haha! i simply had a great time checking out the suppliers and watching
Lee in action during the auction ;) (you were a great auctioneer, Lee! more! more!)
I got a few stuff from the suppliers, but I'm glad I didn't break the bank with my purchases this time around! HAHA! what do you know, I even won a Studio Azul
Pink Hawaii kit! fun!! i wasn't planning on bidding on anything, but nobody wanted to get the paper kit from SU, so without thinking, I just raised my hand. It's for a good cause anyways and the opening bid price was pretty reasonable. I just hope I can use it for something *wink* it was a shame to see a brand new Cricut go for peanuts :( I had hoped that it would actually fetch a lot more than the opening bid of $85. I just hope the person who managed to take it home will put it to good use :)
I actually wouldn't have gone, if it weren't for my good friend
Babette. Good thing she also opted to go! It was great hanging out with you! And of course, thanks so much for the ride!