here are the supplies that came in our kits
The class/demo consisted of several techniques (embossing, paper folding, hidden journaling, etc) to help us work on the album-in-a-box project. For some reason, I had no mojo to scrap! :o Maybe it was because I felt there was little time allocated for everything we had to do... or maybe it was due to the fact that the seating arrangement wasn't that conducive for scrapping - there were several long tables and it felt a bit cramped. The fact that the venue was a bit warm didn't help either.

here are sample pages set up on each table

There was another challenge for a 6x6 page but I simply didn't have the time to work on that anymore :(
At around 3pm, we started on our 12x12 page challenge using Cherry Arte supplies. The paper designs in my kit didn't quite match my photos so I had to shop for more paper. Perfect excuse, huh? Haha! Babette and I were so engrossed on our pages, we failed to have our snacks on time - so we missed out on the good stuff - again! Haha!

Oh, fun surprise! We were asked to look under our seats for a token and hey, what do you know, I found 1! =) I got a pair of flip-flops in exchange.
Headed back to Mela's place and we decided to eat out at The Fort.