Celebrating a milestone. My first-born is now officially a teenager. I know she's ready for the leap, but I am not sure I am. Feeling anxious about how she's growing up too fast for me to catch up. Been meaning to schedule bonding dates with her but sometimes I can never find the time. Had dinner with the family at Wooden Horse in Alabang as my not-so-little girl said she wanted to eat steak! I wasn't really keen on the masculine ambience of the restaurant, haha, as I didn't think it was appropriate for a teenage girl! But, the girl wants what the girl wants. Oh well. Just letting go.
Packing the boy's overnight luggage. He couldn't wait till his sister's birthday dinner was over. Apparently, it was because he wanted to make sure that everything was ready for his 'mini' adventure this weekend.
Sending the little one off to an overnight student seminar. Will definitely miss the chatter
and the clutter around the house today and tomorrow.
Enjoying quiet time with the H as my new class schedule gives me a bit more Friday morning time at home. Didn't quite look forward to an afternoon only class at first, but I guess it isn't really so bad.
Taking school work a day at a time. I've got a pile of papers to mark but I don't really look forward to marking papers. Period.
Trying to read Deborah Harkness' A Discovery of Witches. It's been on my nightstand for the longest time. Not sure why I'm stuck.
Eating Cadbury Rocky Road chocolate bar. First time to encounter the variety. Surprised to learn that I love it! Especially love the chewy sweet things inside.
Looking forward to watching The King & I at the Resorts World this weekend, and then the Phantom next. For some reason, I really, really enjoy watching plays.
Planning to cook chicken enchilada and maybe even some cheesecake this weekend. Or maybe even artisan bread. Feeling bad that I haven't really quite managed to squeeze in some kitchen time for several weeks now.
Spending a lot of time on Facebook. Hee. But... feeling mighty proud of the fact that I am not playing as much as I used to. Little steps.
Easing into the fitness habit. Meeting up with some people in my neighborhood 3X a week, for less than 30 minutes at a time, as we try to shed some unwanted pounds. Still feeling a bit bloated, but I know that I will get myself into a better shape. Soon, I hope!
Keeping up with my
Project Life. I thought my main problem was editing/printing photos that I have taken. Apparently, I am also bogged down by the fact that I take quite a number of photos and it's now getting difficult to sift through them, just trying to decide which ones I'd like to slip into my album pockets. Or then again, maybe not. Maybe it's only because I am really behind schedule. Still, I am also looking forward to taking an online photography class. I just pray that I will have the patience and the time to read through the class and apply the notes/tips.
Starting to plan for Halloween. Really excited about putting things together.
Feeling really excited about our upcoming mini holiday trip. This is the first time we will be away for New Year's Eve. Looking forward to spending time with the H's family.
Living with the fact that I am somewhat 'family-less'. Feeling grateful for the people who are around me right now, who keep me sane, pre-occupied and not so bothered.
I'm glad I've decided to take on
Ali's challenge to document the goings-on in my life right now.